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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Madden NFL 07 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2007-04-07 17:48:02 Views : 31249 Choosing the correct parents When starting Hall Of Fame mode, certain parents will give you large boosts in key stats. If you want a receiver that is very fast, look for a hall of fame WR father with the note "He was the Randy Moss of his time". You should end up with 95 or higher speed. If you want a fast quarterback, look for a Pro Bowl or Hall of Fame QB father with the note "He was the Michael Vick of his time". You will be insanely fast and have good throwing power. Note: Do not chose a father with the note "He was his era's Tom Brady." He will be extremely slow (55 or less speed) and not be able to outrun anyone. Get any player Use the following trick to obtain almost any player desired in Franchise mode. Go to the desired player in the "View Roster" menu. Make sure there are more than enough players in the position he is in. Go to "Edit Player" then "Information". Change his position to something that would make him overall bad. For example, make Ladanian Tomlinson a linebacker. Go to "Trade Player" and trade someone with a higher rating than him for that player. Once you get the player on your team, change them back to their original position. Easy Madden Tokens The following is an easy way to earn Madden Tokens to get Madden Cards fast. Play a Two Minute Drill after going to the rosters to change some player stats. It does not matter which team you change the stats to, just make them very good. For example, if you go to the Saints, make the entire offensive line very good. Then, do the same for the fullback and halfback. Then go a team you plan to go against in the Two Minute Drill. Go to their defense and make their speed and awareness very low for all the defensive players. Once done, go to Two Minute Drill. Select how many players you want, set the difficulty to All-Madden, then make sure your profile shows up to the left side of the teams you selected. If you plan to run against the defense, try a HB toss to run on the outside. If you pass, throw Hail Marys the entire time. Your receiver that was made very good should burn the defensive backs, more so if you make them very tall and skinny. They can make jump catches all the time. For some reason, running the ball for touchdowns gives you more points, so mix it up. Good defense Try blitzing on first and second downs but not on the third down. Your opponent may be used to rushing his throws and throw the ball right into your coverage. Madden Cards Madden NFL 07 Card Codes
Fantasy draft Do not draft a running back because Reggie Bush will not be selected until the ninth round. You can choose him late and he is amazing. If you do the highlight stick he is unbeatable. Also for your first draft pick, it must be a quarterback. Make sure he is ranked at least 94 overall. Even a perfectly created quarterback will not get you Brady Palmer or Manning. Avoiding injuries When you think one of your players may be injured on offense, hurry the play up and they will get back up. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Madden NFL 07 cheat codes.
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